Peresoft at Softline ACCPAC Partnership Conference 2006
Peresoft will once again exhibit at the Softline ACCPAC Partnership Conference 2006 hosted at the Champagne Sports Resort, Northern Drakensburg, 9-12 February.
We invite you to attend our session and visit the Peresoft booth in the Exhibition Centre to learn more about the exciting new SDK release of Cashbook, RecXpress and EFTXpress. This new release is web enabled and provides all the benefits of being developed in the ACCPAC SDK:
- Support for all ACCPAC database formats, Pervasive SQL, MS SQL, DB2 and Oracle.
- No more separate backups as your Cashbook and ACCPAC data files reside in the same database.
- DBDump and DBLoad your ACCPAC and Cashbook data simultaneously.
- Integrated Data Integrity Check which enables you to check Cashbook and ACCPAC data integrity at the same time.
- Cashbook reports will use ACCPAC's Crystal Reports or Crystal Enterprise.
- Same UI look and feel as ACCPAC and many, many more&
Session Date: Friday 10 February 2006.
Time: 08h30 - 09h55
Room Location: Zunckels
We look forward to seeing you there.